Sunday, October 26, 2008

Still in the park... the end is near!

We only have one more weekend left!  This year has FLOWN by!

I REALLY wish you could see these two ladies, I really like how the front one came out... stupid Georgia sun...

This was a REALLY quick one at the end of the night, but for some reason I liked it at the moment. 
There parents told them they could get up before I was done... 

John Deere and UGA hats seem to be popular this time of year. 

He had this wierd clenched jaw looking thing, or he was chewing dip. 
She had a unique smile, wish she would have smiled for the picture.

The guy on the left was previously drawn by another artist at the park... he was very surprised by the way this one came out... "I haven't seen any of your other drawings, but I'm sure this is one of your best" 



Yusuke Sato said...

nice stuff as usual chris :)
the left guy on the last pic looks exactly like one my friend...
i wonder if it IS him...

and nice still life too!
guitar hero-

ChrisNeuenschwander said...

Thanks Yusake!

I think he was local, so he might be him... you should ask if he got a totally awesome caricature lately...