Sometimes, I get asked to do weird things...
Much like drawing on a pumpkin! This was for some lady who was putting together a Singing in the Rain, Gene Kelly pumpkin statue thing for a school auction. I met her in a Starbucks on Roswell Road, where she wanted me to, on the spot, draw Gene Kelly on her foam pumpkin. This is not really the way I would have liked this to work, ideally I would have taken the pumpkin home, and draw it at home, and really thought about what I was doing. She knew I worked doing caricatures live, and frankly didn't see a difference between this, and drawing on a pumpkin. Against my better judgment, it was completed within an hour of sitting in this particular Starbucks. She stopped me several times, and consulted the gentlemen behind us sipping his $10 latte about certain aspects of the drawing, he must have thought we (she) were insane.
The sketch onto the pumpkin was completed in some kind of make-up (don't ask) and finished in Sharpie marker. Yea, as I'm sure a lot of artist know, sometime you encounter clients who have a certain idea, image in mind, and want it drawn exactly how they picture it. Luckily I realized this as soon as I met the lady (who was really nice by the way, she was just very particular) and attended to her needs as she voiced them. She seemed please with the results, and told me I did a wonderful job.
Any who, with all that said, this is my big eyed, (even though he has small squinty eyes) chinless Gene Kelly on a pumpkin.
I hope she was able to raise a fair amount of money for her school with this submission. It was definitely and interesting experience, and one I will not likely forget.