Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Sketchy Man in Black...

With Christmas just around the corner I've been a little busier than usual, but I'm still trying to keep up the daily post thing.  Heres a real quick sketch, sketchier than I would have liked to post,  But I didn't completely like the direction this one was headed.  Will probably try again, maybe more caricature at a later date, but at the moment, this is all I have...


Pat Bollin said...

Are you kidding?! I love this one. The sketchy quality is great.

ChrisNeuenschwander said...

Thanks Pat, I like it too, kinda, as far as the overall look and feel are concerned. The direction that I was talking about that I wasn't too fond of was the grossly erred anatomical structure, namely around the nose mouth area. At least its a glaring error to me...